Please read the following information before using the instrument. It is essential to read and understand the following information so that no errors occur during operation, which could lead damaging of the unit or misinterpretation of inspection results
Preconditions for ultrasonic testing with ISONIC 3510T / ISONIC 3510
Operator of ISONIC 3510T / ISONIC 3510 must be certified as at least Level 2 Ultrasonic Examiner additionally having the adequate knowledge of
operating digital ultrasonic flaw detector
basics of computer operating in the MS Windows environment including turning computer on/off, keyboard, touch screen and mouse, starting programs, saving and opening files
The instrument is controlled through GUI-dialogues generated by the software and buttons on the front panel keyboard. The principles of controlling the unit are explained by the video below
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ISONIC 3510T / ISONIC 3510 - Technical Data
PA Modality
1 X 32:32 switchable to / from 2 X 16:16
1 X 64:64* switchable to / from 2 X 32:32*
1 X 128:128* switchable to / from 2 X 64:64*
* - with use of the corresponding active PA functionality extension adapters Important: there is no external splitter required in case of using 2 PA probes simultaneously
Initial Pulse:
Bipolar Square Wave with Boosted Rising and Falling Edges, Guaranteed Shell Stability, and Active Damping
≤7.5 ns (10-90% for rising edges / 90-10% for falling edges)
1...32/64*/128* adjustable as fully or partially matching OR mismatching with the receiving aperture
* - with use of corresponding active PA functionality extension adapters
Receiving Aperture:
1...32/64*/128* adjustable as fully or partially matching OR mismatching with the emitting aperture
* - with use of corresponding active PA functionality extension adapters
Phasing - emitting and receiving:
0…100 μs with 5 ns resolution independently controllable
Analogue Gain:
0...100 dB controllable in 0.5 dB resolution
Advanced Low Noise Design:
85 μV peak to peak input referred to 80 dB gain / 25 MHz bandwidth
Frequency Band:
0.2 … 25 MHz
A/D Conversion:
100 MHz 16 bit
Digital Filter:
32-Taps FIR band pass with controllable lower and upper frequency limits; non-linear acoustics technique supported
Superimposing of receiving aperture signals:
On-the-fly, no multiplexing involved
Phasing (receiving aperture):
On-the-fly 0…100 μs with 5 ns resolution
Dynamic Focusing:
FMC, TFM, Back Diffraction Technique with / without and Mode Conversion:
Rectified (Full Wave / Negative or Positive Half Wave)
Signal's Spectrum (FFT Graph)
0...99 % of screen height controllable in 1% resolution
Material Ultrasound Velocity:
300...20000 m/s (11.81…787.4 "/ms) controllable in 1 m/s (0.1 "/ms) resolution
Time Base - Range:
0.5...7000 μs - controllable in 0.01 μs resolution
Time Base - Display Delay:
0...400 μs - controllable in 0.01 μs resolution
Probe Delay:
Automatically settled depending on the PA probe / wedge / delay line in use according to the desired:
Incidence Angle
Focal Point Position
One Per Focal Law
Slope ≤ 46 dB/μs
Available for the rectified and RF A-Scans
Theoretical – through entering dB/mm (dB/") factor
Experimental – through recording echoes from several reflectors; capacity - up to 40 points
Automatic Gain Correction:
Complimentary Mechanism Independent on DAC / TCG:
AGC - Angle Gain Compensation for the sectorial scan coverage
GPSC - Gain Shot (Focal Law) Correction for other types of coverage
EquPAS - Equalized (Homogenized) PA Inspection Sensitivity:
Provided for every desired type of reference reflector:
SDH (Side Drilled Hole)
FBH (Flat Bottom Hole)
EDM Notch
2 Independent gates per focal law (A and B) with the Start / Width controllable over entire time base in 0.1 mm /// 0.001" resolution
IE gate per focal law for the standard Interface Echo start function controllable over entire time base in 0.1 mm /// 0.001" resolution
5…95 % of A-Scan height controllable in 1 % resolution
Phased Array Probes:
1D Array – linear (LA), rings (RA), daisy (DA), and the like
Dual Linear Array (DLA)
Matrix Array (MA)
Dual Matrix Array (DMA)
Focal Laws:
8192 in total
Independently adjustable gain / time base / apertures / pulsing receiving modes / focal point positions, etc for each focal law among the plurality of implemented within a frame composing sequence
On-the-fly focal law editing ability
Dynamic focusing – according to the desired scan plan:
for any set of points distributed within entire cross-section of the material covered by linear array probe / group of probes and forming either straight, curved, zigzag, or broken line
for any set of points distributed inside 3D space within entire cube or other volumetric polygon of the material covered by matrix array probe / group of probes and forming either plane or curved surface of several surfaces
Multi-axis / multi-plane / multi-frame video stream augmented reality encoder for free-hand
manual and mechanized probe manipulation with encoding of X,Y,Z probe coordinates and
a, b, g
swiveling / skewing angles in 3 orthogonal planes on flat and complex surfaces
Remote Control:
From an external computer running under W'XP, W'7, W'8, W'10 through Ethernet or Wi Fi
From 3,4,5G Cell Phone
No special software required
All calibration and inspection data is stored in the control computer
Ambient Temperature:
-30°C ... +60°C (operation)
-50°C ... +60°C (storage)
Rugged reinforced plastic case with the stainless steel carrying handle
IP 65
No air intake
The cooling is not required
292x295x115 mm (11.50"x11.61"x4.53") - with / without battery inside
4,850 kg (10.70 lbs) – with battery 4.200 kg (9.26 lbs) – without battery
Aperture - Emitting and Receiving of Ultrasonic Signals 1. Linear Array Probes with / without Delay Line
2. Wedged Linear Array Probes
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Firing Pulse Settings 1. Pulse Width
Download video:
Download video:
2. Firing Level
Download video:
Receiver Settings 1. Display Modes
Download video:
2. Digital Filter
Download video:
Download video:
Focusing 1. Linear Array Probes with / without Delay Line
Download video:
2. Wedged Linear Array Probes
Download video:
PA Probe Delay 1. Automatic adjustment of the Probe Delay / Display Delay
Download video:
2. Settling / Verifying Ultrasound Velocity in the Delay Lines
Download video:
3. Settling / Verifying Ultrasound Velocity and Dimensions for Wedges
AGC - Angle Gain Compensation and Equpas – Equalized (Homogenized) Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) Sensitivity
1. Wedged Linear Array Probes
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2. Linear Array Probes with / without Delay Line
Download video:
Download video:
C-Scan & 3D Data Capturing, Recording, and Imaging 1. Encoder Calibration
Download video:
2. Linear Array Probes with / without Delay Line
Download video:
3. Wedged Linear Array Probes
Smart Plug - connection of PA probes to the instrument
ISONIC 3510T, 3510 instruments carry two terminals for connection of PA probes so there is no need in an external splitter in order to operate a pair of PA probes simultaneously. The smart plug S 9640PA32 allows
toggling of channels between the terminals. Whilst working with one PA probe only it should be connected to the “West” terminal and the smart plug S 9640PA32 - to the “East” terminal
For the use of the probes carrying more than 32 elements refer to the tab on the present page
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Versatile Fully Parallel PA Functionality Out of the Same Unit - from 2 X 16:16 and 1 X 32:32 to 2 X 64:64 and 1 X 128:128
Fully parallel 1 X 64:64 functionality of ISONIC 3510 may be provided with the use of one S 4922A064D032 active functionality extension adapter connected
to the "W" PA probe terminal. The use of two said adapters provides fully parallel 2 X 32:32 functionality
The video below illustrates all possible options for extension of fully parallel PA functionality and exemplary compression wave 0-deg B-Scan coverage using 128-elements linear array probe
Download video:
For the given pitch size the use of the adapter S 4922A064D032 / S 4922A064D016 with the delay line corresponding linear array probes doubles / quadruples the width coverage in the material for the straight beam compression wave applications, such as flaw detection, corrosion mapping,
inspection of composite panels for laminations, etc
For the wedged linear array probes the extension adapters S 4922A064D032 / S 4922A064D016 allow doubling / quadrupling the size of the active aperture providing the sharp focusing and imaging whilst inspecting heavy thickness materials
The videos below illustrate veryfying of the fully parallel PA functionality whilst using the PA functionality extension adapters:
Download video:
Download video:
The videos below illustrate the use of 64-elements linear array probes connected to the 32:32 instrument through the extender providing 64:64 functionality
Download video:
Download video:
PA UT (PAUT) Applications
In the ISONIC 3510 every inspection application is resolved in the same sequence:
1. Selection of the probe from the instrument’s database
2. Calibration of PA Pulser Reciever (Gain, DAC, Display Mode, etc)
3. Entering the data about the shape and dimensions of the part to be inspected
4. Creating of the Scan Plan
5. Calibration of Angle Gain Compensation for the sectorial scan coverage or Gain per Shot (Focal Law) Correction for the linear scan
6. Calibration of the Coupling Monitor focal law
7. Entering into the live cross-sectional view / recorded C-Scan mode
The above is illustrated by the exemplary videos below
Download video:
Download video:
For more data:
UT over IP - Remote Control and Data Acquisition
Thanks to the Client – Server software architecture ISONIC 3510T / ISONIC 3510 may be controlled remotely from a regular PC running under Win’XP, 7, 8, 10, 11. There is no need in the special software for that purpose, just download and install in the PC the same software as used in the instrument
The software installed in the PC should be of the same release as the software running in the ISONIC 3510T / ISONIC 3510 and correspond to the instrument model
Installing the Instrument Software in the PC
Upon started the installation routine generates the dialogue as below on the PC screen:
It is necessary to check Install client only and uncheck Run on windows startup option then to click on Install button. Further actions are taken by the installation routine automatically
Controlling the Instrument from the PC
The instrument and the computer should be connected to the same LAN or Wi-Fi and obtain the IPs automatically. The initial Startup menu (Start Screen) appearing upon powering the instrument on and booting up completed
should be kept on the unit's screen at the time of establishing the remote connection and control. In the computer the same software should be launched: on appearing of the Startup menu it is necessary to select the instrument
to be controlled from the list of the available Idle units:
Once the connection is established ISONIC 3510 unit enters into the slave mode being connected to the probes and encoder and running the just the server routine while the computer performs full control of the instrument,
data acquisition, processing, and storage on the local drives through running of the client software in the same manner as the instrument does when operating autonomously
The video below illustrates the steps described above: